Once upon a time, a man decided he was going

  • Once upon a time, a man decided he was going to kill every ninja on earth.
  • He failed, and this is the story of the ninja that ended him. Once upon a time there was a ninja named ninjaninja, and he was a ninja. He began his ninja pilgrimage and found
  • that the true path to enlightenment was to eat as much food as you could so that you then became skinny again, you would think that this cost money but hestole his food from
  • a pocket universe. You see each and every inhabitant of this world was edible. Soon the people of the pocket of the universe began to regard him as a kind of bogeyman. He would
  • come out in the night, snatching up a defenseless ham, and chew away at its screaming body as he descended once again into the darkness. The meat villagers would have none of this
  • and so they forged a holy corkscrew that could kill the evil monster. They gave the mighty weapon to the villages greatest warrior,
  • who was decidedly unforeboding nonetheless - it was a pygmy village, after all. However, he was still brave, and with the goodbyes of friends and family, he took the corkscrew and
  • a bottle of snapple. without permission. some body's gonna get a hurt real bad.
  • Mario™ loves the Snapple™, you see, and whenever Goombas™ threaten the economic wellbeing of the Mushroom Kingdom™ via theft, he just can't abide it. He hurled a fireball at the
  • Goombas™. They were fried! Mario™ noticed that they looked remarkably like Chicken McNuggets™ and so he took a big bite. "Mamma Mia! They taste just like McNuggets™ too!"


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