He held birthday greetings in one hand. Bottle

  • He held birthday greetings in one hand. Bottle of wine in the other. Despite honorable intentions, he felt on the verge of a panic attack. It had been
  • more than 20 years since his last public appearance. Everyone thought he had gone off to live with tibetan monks. He entered and everyone fell silent, until the birthday girl said
  • "Who are you?" He was flabbergasted. He had once been the most famous person alive. How could this birthday girl not recognize him? Had the world forgotten him? He answered, "I am
  • ..." It had been a long time since he was at such a loss. Without the scaffolding of fame, who was he? He tried to be gracious to the birthday girl. "Just another resident of earth
  • 's Fraternity Row on the South Carolina campus. He'd worn a cowboy hat to Vegas and got so drunk that he nearly tos
  • linked his ancient but still-trustworthy PDA to the casinos central computer. This would have revealed to the casino just how he used his cowboy hat and PDA to
  • seduce and arouse the lovely girl into his arms while still playing poker at the high stakes table. This was a whale that the casino could not have thrown out for any reason but
  • he was no whale. Agent Muddymuddskipper had enough cybernetic arms to hold his cards, caress the girl on his arm & draw his conotoxic dart shooter. Dr. Nemo's thug the Stonefish
  • held down our hero and tied his limbs to various apparatuses in the Nautilus while one of Agent Muddymuddskipper's cephalopod arms aimed a dart at our hero's temple. Dr. Nemo
  • ,muttering French curses under his breath, cried out "Almighty God! Enough! Enough!" and battered the dart gun out of Muddymuddskipper's arms, then disappeared again into the fog.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 14 2012 @ 14:58

    Agent Muddymuddskipper's previous tail... http://foldingstory.com/vxj2w/ I hope to see more of him - thanks CrazyBananas!

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