Tinha uma cara bonita, mas estava com o ar

  • Tinha uma cara bonita, mas estava com o ar aborrecido de quem acorda antes do tempo. Deixou-se levantar. Não desligou o despertador de imediato e o ruído...
  • Walking through the slums of Rio, he was surprised to hear such poetry. Looking up, he saw the open window from which the words emanated. He picked up a pebble and hurled it
  • at the source of his torment. The glass shattered, but in complete silence. Were his ears ringing? Rio's slums went crimson & the haunting voice vomited forth its damned soliloquy
  • of gibberish. It was a howl that could tidal waves through the earth's mantle. The dog snarled but edged backward. This one was green and big. It reached it's colossal hands
  • across the street grabbing the crossing guard. Helen had been a crossing guard ever since her husband had died. She had never worked and loved children so this seemed to be
  • better then staying home and masturbating to the Dr. Oz show with Gail and Oprah again. That scene was getting old. It's why she now volunteered as a crossing guard, to ensure she
  • interacted with at least one real, living, breathing human being at least every once in awhile. Sure that only meant an occasional nod of the head or hand wave, but
  • it was contact, of a sort. I fear that it might go farther. Is this plague really over? Or might the machines release something else, something more deadly than the bedbugs? How
  • would it all end. Not well for us was my bet! If only we could find a way to fight back. Then a thought struck me. Perhaps if
  • I confused them with my cat kick-boxing moves, The One With The Large Head would love me again. No one would need to fight any more. Love would reign supreme again! Ah, applesauce!


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