He had never done it upside down before

  • He had never done it upside down before
  • and I'll be durned if he was going to do it upside down now. Not when he just figured out which way was up. The downside to all of this, of course, was that she had upped the ante
  • -ater's testosterone levels so now it was super aggro. Aggro Anteaters in a zero-gravity environment were just evil. She'd also placed a randomized plasma cannon on its back so
  • ck puppets attacked the Aggro Anteaters. She tried furiously to darn her own sock puppet warriors but had yarn that was too small ply. She would need to knit
  • pick her shaman sock monkey who was infested with dust bunnies. Then he conjured all missing socks into a holey sock monkey shock troop. Their static charge on the Aggro Anteaters
  • caused the Anteaters to cling together in a katamari. Shaman sock monkey set their snouts to "permasuck" and rolled them to the dust bunny hole. Their snouts clogged and backfired
  • And the whole cloud exploded in their faces, killing everyone in the room. The police were flabbergasted at the defenestrated souls of the stock market trading floor. "Screw you",
  • Came a proud and angry rebuttal directed at the deputies. "Remember all those unpaid parking tickets? Me neither." The police watched dumbfounded at the souls spiraling out of
  • now into eternity where they were all along. The deputies looked at each other stupidly but, God is gracious, none of them drew their weapon on their partner which is what happened
  • every time they got into this same doggoned situation. Every single stinking time! No wonder it seemed like eternity. Nothing ever changed to set them in an alternate universe.


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