I tend to reprint my stuff to and from other

  • I tend to reprint my stuff to and from other places out of sheer laziness.
  • CTRL-C CTRL-V I tend to reprint my stuff to and from other places out of sheer laziness. But I think the word count mafia were beginning to catch on. I wouldn't get away with
  • CTRL-V again, the word count mafia, or WoCOMaf , and hired a WOCG (Western Oregon Computer Geeks) to infect a virus that added two Ctrl-X's after each CTRL_V. A negative one gain
  • SLAP! His annoying twitchy faced girlfriend smacked him in the neck. She had caught him reading "programming erotica" again. His fly was down with monitor wipes all
  • neatly stacked to wipe up the fly guts as the pestilential insect smeared down the screen. It wouldn't be easy for the prudish Puritan to read about evils to destroy with his girl
  • nearby to witness it. Plus, she hated insects. Nothing made her puke more violently then dead ones, and this fly's guts were all over the screen. "I hate them, winged insects."
  • She turned the wipers on to clear the fly's remains off the screen, using a little screenwash to finish the job. As she did so an enormous winged shadow appeared behind the car,
  • She looked up through the sunroof and saw a myriad of eyes staring back at her. She gasped and felt a shiver run along her spine as she saw the fury
  • Caterpillar munch through the entire book, out onto the car seat and onto the street. When the hungry furry caterpillar looked back at her and then continued to devour everything
  • in sight. The apple, the orange, 94inch LED flatscreen, the last box of Twinkies, eaten! Damn you caterpillar! That's the last time I look into the mirror & say "BuggyBuggyBuggy."


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