Nobody but Kevin noticed that the president

  • Nobody but Kevin noticed that the president had become a massive dragon overnight. Everyone seemed to think he'd always been like that, and official records seemed to agree.
  • There were photos from up to 40 years ago of the president dragon growing up. Kevin couldn't believe he was the only one not fooled by this trickery. The dragon was an imposter!
  • You could tell by the false dragon scales. A few had fallen off & were littering the ground, clearly plastic. I wonder where you can buy fake dragon scales? Kevin mused to himself
  • , meanwhile across town, the ringer of a mansion read "Dr. Frankenstein, Monster Beautician & Body Sculptor: Spinal Weaves, Designer Dragon Scales, Botox, All natural
  • "Are you ready, Ms. Dracona?" Dr. Frankenstein asked. Her bandaged head nodded. He removed them slowly, revealing her tightened, blushing, scaly cheeks. "The REAL me!", she
  • exclaimed, "Finally what I look like on the outside matches what I've always known myself to be on the inside: A lizard!" Ms. Dracona's tongue flicked out happily. Dr. Frankenstein
  • backed away from Ms. Dracona in horror. "I've created a lizard woman!" he shrieked as he backed into his machinery, instantly lobotomizing himself. Ms. Dracona was busy eating
  • the postman's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Ms.Dracona stopped for a moment and looked at her lobotomized creator and cackled hysterically, her lizard tongue
  • licking the inside of his now dead ear." I told you I would when you said eat your heart out." Ms.Dracona inherited all his funds and be came an investment banker with carnivorous
  • intent. She spent frivolously, hiring secret people to get her more hearts but turned broke one day. Her mercenaries hunted her down,and in an intense battle in an alley, she died.


  1. bearshoes84 Apr 25 2017 @ 12:55

    If there's one coherent, continuous fact about modern life, it's that plastic surgeons are turning humans into lizard people at alarming rates. Draconic panic!

  2. Woab Apr 25 2017 @ 13:23

    Maybe our lizard brains are taking over and want bodies to match.

  3. bearshoes84 Apr 25 2017 @ 13:27

    At least buy me dinner first, lizard brain!

  4. Woab Apr 25 2017 @ 14:04

    Sure, Hon. Ya wanna go to the Longhorn Fly House?

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