It all started when Lucy kissed Jermaine.

  • It all started when Lucy kissed Jermaine.
  • But Jermaine was not germane to the Germans; in fact, she was a geriatric gerontophobe from Jerusalem, wearing a jersey made of gerbil jerky.
  • Her horrible hysterics had not hid her having howled horrendously at hundreds of healing historians. I eyed Igor, imagining 'im interrogating interesting individuals.
  • Just joking, jesting, jumping for joy about our journey. Kidding aside, Kelly kept keeled over. Later I learned
  • many more made musings mentioning my murder. Needling my noggin, I noticed not nestled nearby
  • was Walton, when waves of whispers whipped by. "Signs say someone sees Satan," I heard, harassed by the hooligans that haunted my house. "Ghosts are gay," I announced to anybody
  • who was listening. It turned out that my fourth-grade English teacher was listening intently, and commented under her breath, "If your alliterations were any more obvious, I would
  • grab you by your ankles and swing you around in circles until your head filled with so much pressure that all those blatant alliterations were forced from your skull." Frowning, I
  • returned to my homework. The tutorbot™ was being especially cruel today. I'm not sure what was wrong with "Peter Pecker piped plankton" but it thought is lacked a certain
  • Hemingway quality. I tried again: "Piped plankton. Peter. Pecker. Perfect." The tutorbot™ sneered mechanically, but my shackles were released and fresh gruel filled my bowl.


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