This is the story of the 4th little pig.

  • This is the story of the 4th little pig. Subject of little reporting as he was estranged from the porcine brotherhood during the "lobo war." He had built his house out of
  • cake and candy, causing confusion. When the big bad wolf huffed and puffed at what he thought was the 4th little pig's house, the door creaked open to reveal a cackling crone.
  • "Come in come in!" she crooned. "I have three suckling pigs in the oven and my guests, Hans & Greta cancelled at the last minute." The Big Bad Wolf was suspicious but the aroma
  • of roasted pork was irresistably mouthwatering.The Big Bad Wolf took a seat in the corner, still suspicious, still watchful. "Care for an aperitif?" the witch asked, gliding across
  • the lave strewn floor on a new broomstick. The Big Bad Wolf looked around and espied another patron drinking a foggy writhing drink. He pointed and said, "I'll have one of those."
  • "Are you sure?" the bartender said, eyebrow cocked. The Wolf slammed his paws on the bar. "Just bring it!" The bartender shrugged and put the drink, sizzling and smoking, in front
  • of him. "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll drink this drink down!" slurred the wolf, and with much huffing and puffing he managed to choke down the boiling liquid. The bar went
  • berserk as they cheered on the wolf. No one cares that the burning liquid was burning his throat because the wolf had already robbed the town several times over the past few years.
  • Sam The Sham and the Pharoahs sang about the wolf and how he was an opportunist. It should have been no surprise he wrote the lyrics under Sam's name. Sam approved it. Big Blue
  • ladies danced as they sang the Opportunistic Wolf Song , all of them making special eye contact with Sam, so Sam would know that the song was for Sam and Sam only. THE END


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