Little did I know, I truly was "looking like

  • Little did I know, I truly was "looking like a fool with my pants on the ground."
  • But, sadly I had no way to hoist them upon my hips - as I had none. This had caused problems in earlier life like the time I tried to
  • start my morning with a cup of coffee and a nice walk along the pier, but then I'd always look down at where my legs used to be and decide against the walk. But at least I still...
  • has the robotic legs, even if they didn't quite fit. That's what you get when you find automated body parts on Freecycle. You never know who had them before you. Still, there was
  • enough parts to upgrade yourself decently, but the most important part is that you need a new brain parts. So you keep searching on the "Freecycle" for something better
  • suited to your personal needs. This is unlike any "Freeycycle" I've ever used and my inexperience shows as I
  • hit a rough patch in the terrain, sending a powerful kinetic jolt through my tail bone. My stomach ruthlessly spews bile through the holes in my rows of clenched, chipped teeth.
  • I was flung head-over-heels across the uneven ground until I came to rest against a large rock. I reached up and swiped at the blood flowing from my broken nose, panting as I
  • frantically searched around for something to use as a weapon. A large chunk of driftwood would have to do and as I picked it up I was pleased with it's weight. I swung it hard at
  • my assailant, who staggered under the blow. "Wait, driftwood? Elvania is landlocked!" "Goddamnit, Larry, I'M the Dungeon Master! It's my story!" "But if--" "SHUT UP, LARRY."


  1. Bad. Apr 22 2011 @ 15:07

    DnD? Bold move.

  2. 49erFaithful Apr 22 2011 @ 16:09

    There's a Larry in every crowd...

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