"Was the purpose of the folds on folding

  • "Was the purpose of the folds on folding story to perpetuate a theme throughout the entire story?" he wondered.
  • "I like it when the stories make sense, but I can't resist a good zinger or completely random fold that comes out of nowhere." He was at a foldingstory crossroads. One group seemed
  • to wear white hats and black feathers, the other group had shotguns in one hand and avocados in the other. And so it was that he and they waited at the crossroads, but nothing much
  • happened til a car careened toward them on the dirt road and screeched to a halt. When the dust settled it was now he, they, shotguns, avocados and a Ford Pinto at the crossroads.
  • "Turn it off," growled the bear through his muzzle. "Turn it off!" He pleaded, struggled, but still the avocado cowboy movie played on, seemingly endless. On TV, guns and tires
  • collided with images of unending avocado carnage. The sight of so much bruised, blackened skin kicked apart by sharp spurs was enough to push Bear over the edge. He punched the TV
  • And shattered it into 3, 835,126 pieces. Bear returned to the Yellowstone habitat and the police were flummoxed. The avacados vowed revenge at the grocery store.
  • After interrogation of riper members of the food aisle & painstaking detectivework the police pieced the 3,835,126 fragments together: all clues pointed to yogibear as the culprit!
  • "I'm gonna let you off with a warning this time, big fella," the cop said. "But if I get another call about you messin' with Humpty again, I'm gonna..." YogiBear lunged at the cop
  • "Humpty Dumpty fell you asshole!" he roared as his claws sunk into the officer. "He fell! I had nothing to do with it! I loved him!"


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