Na Joana està desconsolada

  • Na Joana està desconsolada
  • agafa el seu móbil i crida a la seva amiga, amb l'esperança de que l'ajudi, però aquesta no contesta.
  • En un moment d'histèria li cau es mòbil al terra i comença a còrrer pel carrer sercant una cabina telefónica
  • De repent, escolta el so d'un telèfon sonant a la seva dreta, es gira i efectivament, es troba amb una cabina, la curiositat li pot, decideix contestar al telèfon
  • Gran error. De l'auricular del telèfon surt una mà extranya que l'arrossega fins l'interior de la línia telefònica. De sobte es troba dins d'un espai ple de sons que la fan embogir
  • De sobte, tot canvia. Cau i es desperta dins una sala blanca i freda. No sent res. No pot xerrar ni li surt la veu. Aquesta situaci� li provoca una crisi d'ansietat.
  • De sobte entra una persona vestida de negre amb una veu un tant extranya, s'atraca lentantament a ella, veu que duu una pistola a la mà, no sap que fer, té molta por.
  • The white rooster told the one speaking gibberish, he needed a translator. A hen volunteered. She was most baffled and asked her son. Junior Rooster came to the rescue.
  • "What this hysterical chicken is trying to tell us," said Junior Rooster, "is that he is in need of a buck." "But we're chickens, we don't use currency," wailed his mother. "Buck,
  • bucks in the goose he's no chicken his story a ruse put his head in a noose string him up beat him'til his golden gizzard is loose" said Chick Little,so they did & got a dead duck.


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 06 2017 @ 16:17

    Regarding the first 7 folds, Google translate seems confused about whether it is Catalan or Romanian. I tried to makes sense of the somewhat disjoint translated text. In the last two lines the protagonist changes to a she, but to make it clear who was who I ignored this. So read this while knowing I freely interpreted the original! Joana is heartbroken. Picking up his cell phone he calls his friend, hoping to help her, but she does not answer. In a moment of hysteria the phone falls. As it moves to the ground it begins to run down the street turning into a telephone booth. Suddenly, he listens to the sound of a phone ringing to his right, turns and indeed, he finds himself with a telephone cabin before him. His curiosity piqued, he decides to answer the phone. A Great mistake! From the handset of the telephone a hand drags him inside the telephone line. Suddenly he is in a space full of sounds that make him crazy. Suddenly, everything changes. He falls and wakes up in a cold white room. He cannot hear anything. He cannot talk or hear his voice. This situation causes an anxiety crisis. Suddenly a person dressed in black with a somewhat strange voice enters, leans slowly towards him. He sees that the person has a gun in her hand. He does not know what to do. He is very scared.

  2. Woab Nov 06 2017 @ 16:37

    Sounds like they were bound to be dead ducks at the end, after all.

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