She fell back onto the cold, hard wall of

  • She fell back onto the cold, hard wall of the dark alleyway and stared toward the man, hovering over the young girl. The man dropped the girl's pale, limp wrist and looked up.
  • "IT'S A FLYING FLUFFY BUNNY!!" the man screamed, and ran away as the Fluffy Bunny attacked.
  • Tokyo was ready for Godzilla and Mothra, but not this. The bunny hopped about the city, turning everything in his path pink. Even the armory took a lavender hue as he scaled its
  • paws in fear of what would it be like if the giant bunny was to dive into the ocean,as it actually did.The beach was like a big bowl of raspberry icecream.
  • Like rasberry ice cream, the beach was pitted with fruit and sweetened dairy products. He laid his beach towel on the "sand" and got really sticky. He got some sand in his mouth an
  • d it tasted gritty and sweet like a pear. The wave rolling in was topped with whipped cream, the wave itself was made of Chai Tea at exactly 120 degrees ( He liked it semi cool)
  • and really, his dream couldn't have been more perfect. Oceans made of delicious, lukewarm beverages and sweet toppings always put his mind at ease. But he was violently awoken when
  • the ocean water was seeping into his cabin. He heard a klaxon and struggled to the life boats. Then he awoke, spiders were everywhere and he backed into a corner. Then he woke, as
  • confused as Joseph was when he heard his teen girlfriend was pregnant. Looking around, he realized he was surrounded by midgets dressed as clowns. "Someone give me the kick!"
  • So I did. Right in the balls. He never...ever...said that again.


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