"You can do anything but stay.You can!Do

  • "You can do anything but stay.You can!Do anything!But stay!You can do!Anything but stay!You can do anything,but...stay.You!Can do anything but stay."For 15min. all she had said was
  • various versions of leave, get out, beat it, scram, etc. etc. There I stood. Not leaving. Staying. At first it was just out of spite, but after a few hours it became
  • clear that the magic boots refused to budge. I was stuck. There would be no pigeon pie for dinner tonight unless I could free my feet. I hope I still had my receipt
  • since pigeon pie makes anybody throw up. On the contrary, I had quite the opposite issue at the moment, and knew my magic boots would never be clean enough again for my sense of
  • perfect balance. I was the reigning world champion in see-saw Dance Dance Revolution. My opponent eyed me from the far end, and I eyed my magic boots. Why were they malfunctioning?
  • My malfunction electric boots sparked and caught my mohair suit on fire. I ran around the stage. My skin searing and smoldering. Candy and Ronnie tried to put me out but
  • what saved me was a Wurlitzer wave the Jets sent on stage. A soild wall of sound. It put out the flames and knocked the wind out of me. I promised Candy & Ronnie right then
  • I’d help them fight their parents out in the street to see who’s right and who’s wrong. Candy and Ronnie’s parents were easy to find, Dad being a street preacher and Mom a street
  • walker. It was sort of a cottage industry with Ronnie's parents: him preaching and her hooking. They didn't have to leave the house to find work. But it all came to a head when the
  • gendarmes started listening to the preaching, found god, and arrested them both. Ronnie was forced to join the Foreign Legion. All in a day's work for a Frenchman!


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