"My plan for a fancy cocktail party for dätist

  • "My plan for a fancy cocktail party for dätist pensioners is dead" I thought. What I didn't know
  • was that the party was already happening over at Joe's place, he just didn't invite me. That Joe. What a bastard. A plan for swift and violent revenge came to me almost immediately
  • . Ding dong! Joe opened & then tried to shut the door but my 4 inch stiletto was already in. "Let me in & mix me a Sloe Comfortable Punch against the Sidecar or Fufu gets it," I
  • n walked Vanessa Williams. She had my Great Dane "Fufu" by the scruff of the neck with a loaded .45 against her neck. "Alright, alright" Joe said, and went to get the sloe
  • gin fizzes. He got lucky and the bar was stocked with tears of the last Oliphant. It was not cheap but he bought it all. Then I heard about Vanessa with a gun to the Doge's head.
  • I've known her for years, and haven't a clue why she would commit such a grandiose crime. Apparently her second husband co-owned a lot of unscrupulous side businesses.
  • But not with her. Maybe that's why she needed money- to get her shyster second husband out of prison. I never liked him, anyway. He wore aviator glasses. She probably wanted to buy
  • smokes or pills or something that could stand for money in the joint. The guy was a creep. If half the things I heard about him were true, he belongs in prison. The next day,
  • the police raided his house and found enough evidence to put him away for a long time. I felt relieved that justice had been served, but also grateful that I had gotten out of that
  • pickle factory in time! Because who'd have guessed that beneath layers of dill, was a secret criminal empire? From now on, I'll just stick to making jam.


  1. LordVacuity May 30 2023 @ 21:01

    Poor Fufu

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