Future, not far from present day. A group

  • Future, not far from present day. A group of a young religious cult began to act with a radical idea of a Human Life form Cycle with cloning and terra-biotic. They called Reliquan!
  • Which they found out was a name already taken by Ronco on it's latest juicer. So they had to come up with another name. Unfortunately they all kept talking at once so no one could
  • decipher what anyone else was saying, which is why the juicer ended up with a name like Hncfdgfbsdhufd. Anyway, they never sold many, and ended up going bankrupt. The CEO
  • suggested more vowels,but by then Hncfdgfbsdhufd was already doomed.We all,the CEO included,tried to be cool about it,but we were out of ice and what good a juicer does when you
  • forget to hit the space key after punctuation.Such as commas,and also periods.All of us found it annoying, but the vowel-less Hncfdgfbsdhufd was frothing at the mouth with rage.
  • Still, it was one way to conserve a limited character resource, particularly when some had a sort of orgasmic obsession with rather circumlocutory vocabulary. Still frothing, the
  • dog emitted such vocal orations as had been esoterically (to humans) compared to such verbiage as "Bow wow," although such comparisons..." My daughter shut the story book and ran
  • into the magic wardrobe. When I opened the door it was empty. There must be some clue in the story book to where she had gone. "..fundamental VX space theorem as illustrated
  • by the grand wizard Atdantral in the sixteenth century of the New Empire. It is, of course, entirely bogus, and completely disproven by modern post-necromantic clairvoyance. Anyway
  • now that magic has been deconstructed as forbidden path integrals of 10 dimensional spacetime it's just another technology whose widespread use creates more problems than it solves


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