Echo walked, focusing on the throbbing in

  • Echo walked, focusing on the throbbing in his arm to drown out his rage. He was supposed to be a good bounty hunter, but teaming up with thugs was turning out to be a bad idea.
  • It was insane... he thought that they were his allies, yet they had turned on him the moment that the target offered them more money. You just can't trust people these days...
  • As if to mock him one of the lackeys scoffed " I could have told you that." while simultaneously shooting him in the knee. Thats the last time I hire goons thought the man. Money
  • doesn't grow on trees I thought as I lowered the uzi and cut those dudes in half. Blood, bone bits, bile, steaming piles of guts everywhere--including my Bruno Magli's, damn it!
  • I threw my uzi in the boot a hopped back into my Porsche convertible. Shoe polish, shoe polish... Where's the bleeding shoe polish! I needed a cobbler.
  • So I stopped into Hazel's Diner and ordered an apple cobbler and a mug o' joe. It took the edge off, for sure, but I noticed that everyone was staring at the uzi sticking out of my
  • britches. Some of them stood and applauded. Everyone laid their weapons on the table, including the children who had been coloring the diner's menus. Even a crayon can do damage
  • blue.black.red. lots of squiggles and circles. oranges and yellows too.
  • Who would've thought the apocalypse would be so pretty? They returned to mention this to God, but but had been replaced by a carnivorous, telepathic onion. The onion didn't look
  • all that appealing. Phyllis pushed me to take a bite. "I can't just take a bite of the GODonion. Can I?" "Only one way to find out. Bite it." That Phyllis. She's swell and clever.


  1. Woab Dec 27 2019 @ 16:39

    I wonder if the protagonist went ahead and bit the carnivorous, telepathic onion that replaced God? And if an onion has telepathy, would It be able to actually do anything to prevent someone from biting It? Or could it's God powers smite it's biter? I'm going to be up all night fretting about this.

  2. LordVacuity Dec 27 2019 @ 17:24

    Phyllis was wrong or right but we won't know until the story gets continued.

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