A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away,

  • A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away,
  • a life-form evolved that consisted of individuals composed of 180 characters of text. One such individual, let's call him 'Bob' arrived on Earth today. When he landed he said
  • I'm only alive for 180 characters? That doesn't give me much space to find out why we are all here. I'm already half way done? Wait! I want to live my life! My name is Bob (urk)
  • Tilt head. Lift chin. Check breathing. Give 2 breaths. Check pulse. Push chest 15 times. GASP!! "Bob, I've resurrected you. You've got 3 characters left to tell us your story." Bob
  • sputtered, "What in the gobbly-gook are blathering about you soft headed idiot?" I hate Bob, but now that he was alive I need the full story.
  • "I need the full story, Bob," I reluctantly admitted. Bob brightened and produced a large sketchbook from somewhere unmentionable. On the first page were two stick figures engaged
  • in coitus.They looked like the symbol for infinity. "Bob," I said, "You'll have to explain this to me. What does this have to do with anything?" Bob's smile grew larger. His gums
  • Were bright red, meaning they were infected. Doctor Gsgudfill declared, it was the Xixa virus and the only treatment was plastification. It would cost $4,375 to complete. Prescribe
  • today to see all of my videos" Shouted the now famous Doc Gsgudfill 'Wombo-combo' Jones. I could not hold back from hitting the 'subscribe' button. A small bottle of round tablets
  • was found in my pocket when I came to, days later. I chucked them into the nearest dumpster and was arrested for contributing to the delinquency of alley rats. Jail was a relief.


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