Sparky backed fluffy up, but the cat was

  • Sparky backed fluffy up, but the cat was getting tenacious. For the moment she would be content to lap up the blood and wait him out. He guarded their dead master, but for how long
  • could he hold off the menacing looking stray they all charmingly referred to as "Lucifer", or "Lucy" for short. It looked like good ol Lucy was losing patience with
  • latch on the gate. She reared up and smashed the gate. The foam hung from her chin like a ghost bear, tinges of red flecked it. He was in the pool. Lucy the horse came straight
  • outta Compton. With her mind on her money and her money on her mind. Lucy figured if she turned a couple of more tricks, she could make it out of Tijuana by Christmas.
  • That's where Ricky, Fred, end Ethel were waiting for her.The long neglected little Ricky remained in the custody of the demonic Mrs. Trumbill.
  • After he grew to maturity, be gutted her and baked her meat into delicious pot pies, which he fed to the first paying guests at his lovely Cape Cod bed and breakfast. This is why
  • serial killers and obsessive maniacs make the best restaurant and hotel owners in the world. It takes a certain "strength of the spirit" to be able to
  • put up with people's hoopla. Perhaps it's it confidence of knowing that your patrons will soon be your dinner, or contribute to your new upholstery. This was evident in the case of
  • the couple who came knocking one night, around midnight. She was pretty, in a mousy kind of way. He was thin and scared-looking. I opened the door anyway, thinking
  • that they would be sleepishly talking to each other. But what happened was unexpected and unwanted. As I opened the door, I found them so close that I freezed for a moment!


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