Me, Tomba & Kimba had staked out a baby buffalo

  • Me, Tomba & Kimba had staked out a baby buffalo at a water hole & managed to cut it off from the herd. Then Sipak the Croc grabbed its tail & nearly dragged it into the water, but
  • -tons flew off Timon's zoot suit as we pulled on the baby zebra with all out might. The crock was not going to win. There was a giant RIP and then SNAP as the zebra's torso explode
  • d in a myriad of colors. Soaked in zebra blood and guts, Timon scampered away from the crock and into the bushes where he consulted with the big pig. In the meantime, Nala
  • , you guessed it, was getting it in with SImba. Obviously. If that wasn't what they were doing then they were intruding on hyena territory because that's what they do best. Nobody
  • expected that Simba would be caught in the snare of a poacher. The poachers were keen to obtain Simba's claws which were prized in Chinese Medicine for
  • Treating things like high blood pressure, stroke and cancer. Simba metamorphosed into a house cat, just in time for the poachers to realise they had miscalculated. The cure for
  • all human diseases wasn't found in cats; it was found in cars! Soon poachers worldwide began hunting cars, seeking their precious oil, engines, and cupholders. SUVs went extinct
  • overnight. What was left of the government fell into the Blame Laying Game. The only thing they could still manage was collecting taxes on fewer and fewer of us every day. We need
  • -ed legal, medical and mental council after our national leaders made it mandatory for everyone to have hernia mesh implant surgery so the lawyers could stay in business. So
  • began the start of the Battle of the Lawyers, 2017. A vast, bloody, and inexcusable war of accurate proportions, all because of some dumb argument for lawyers, not the public.


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