He waited for the Rhino to come to the spot.

  • He waited for the Rhino to come to the spot. He had laced the innertube with Female Rhino heat musk. But the night was quiet. Then he heard trampling. He shone his light and
  • and it was like no trampling he'd ever seen. It was more like a shimmying swagger, or the final group dance from dirty dancing. Fourteen female rhinos were sauntering toward him
  • with a lovelorn look in their eyes. He probably should have guessed that drinking Rhino Piss (the new alcoholic energy drink) would attract some attention during the safari, but
  • he never imagined that his $2.99 jolt of enrgy would move herds of hormone crazed, stampeding Water Buffalo! "Mooove!" Screamed the desperate safari as raging
  • bull rode over the horizon leading an undiscovered tribe of apache to a water hole. His energy was still raging and he fled to
  • find some cows to inseminate. This he proceeded to do in the old fashioned way. He then took a moment to record his conquests. Bossy? Udder pleasure. Bessie? Nice tail. Bertha?
  • Boy, could SHE "Mooo!".. Soon after completing the inseminations and taking a well-deserved nap, he advanced to the next item on the agenda,
  • showing his love for Cowboy TV! His cow even joined in! Cowboy TV was so moved by this display that he
  • cancelled the cable subscription and immediately sough counseling to cure himself of this affliction. He relied solely upon Netflix to avoid
  • late fees, I'm guessing? I think Netflix does that, but it's not really worth googling.


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