He was rummaging in the dumpster for food

  • He was rummaging in the dumpster for food when he found it,an unused lottery ticket. He leaned against a hefty bag & began scratching. He was so used to his bad luck, at first
  • he dropped his coin, and it rolled into a storm drain. But he had a good feeling about this lottery. He turned his box inside-out looking for change. He could smell the Jackpot, or
  • maybe it was the cooking of the lady from downstairs. He could never quite tell why the hell she was using so much garlic in her food. Did she want him to
  • overdose on the stuff? It filled his nostrils, his head, his life.
  • Air seemed to be everywhere but no where at the same time. It consumed him, all he could was breathe it in. He tried to command himself not to breathe, but failed. Adam was alone
  • in the Garden. He looked down at his body: "Well hello there! What's this? Looks evil, perhaps i should hit it might OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!" Men are such idiots. Eve sniggered in
  • Africa, where she thought up another physically harmful prank to play on Adam. Tree sap was pretty adhesive. Eve coerced Adam to place his palm on the tree, then his forehead.
  • The 64,000 dollop question was whether or not it was an april fools prank. Unfortunately, the reporter from the Daily Galactic was unable to verify this soon enough before
  • an asteroid crashed into their head office in orbit over Saturn. Space Rupert Murdoch was killed in the disaster and the media immediately fixated itself on this new story instead.
  • Buzz Aldrin - who had planned this whole thing the last time he was in space - went to bed, content with the fruits of his labour.


  1. Flopp Apr 22 2016 @ 22:41

    Well. A lottery ticket to Buzz Aldrin planning diabolical attacks. That escalated quickly.

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