At school they sat next to each other, but

  • At school they sat next to each other, but what he didn't know what that she loved him, very much, she never had the guts to tell him but she did. One day while they were walking
  • at a very clipped pace; the teen speed walker marathon was only a week a way. She tried to stride faster and keep up with his chiseled body. "If only he would..." then she tripped.
  • She tripped because she at giant gobs of mescalin. Soon the speed walkers were floating. The wires in their headphones became ribbon snakes that
  • made her life expectancy tracker go haywire. "Arriving at Death in 40 years... recalculating... 20 years..." The snakes wrapped themselves around her neck, "... Recalculating... 10
  • minutes. She began to gasp for breath as the boa contricted. The life expectancy tracker said "recalculating life expectancy now 3 minutes", ... Everything went black.
  • When she woke up, she was surprised to find herself lacking a body. Over shuffled a bored feeling (there was nothing to see) being. "Where am I?" she thought-spoke. "Oh! Hello.
  • My name is Mary Jane & you are super high!" A voice whispered. She couldn't remember what she had smoked the night before, but she knew it must have been something really legit.
  • "Come on down off that ledge now, my dear, " Officer Mary Jane kindly softly urged her. "It doesn't matter that you can't remember how you got there, just step backwards." She took
  • Officer Mary Jane's outstretched hand without really knowing why. She felt sort of a special bond with her. Little did she know that in her previous life, MJ was her daughter.
  • And the two had overcome trials reminiscent of this one today. Mary Jane recoiled as if for a moment she could actually see those memories. But those lives were over now.


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