Pheweeee and hot damn! We're on a roll!

  • Pheweeee and hot damn! We're on a roll!
  • With butter! And ham! We're actually ON a roll! With the pickles and everything! No aspiring bottle of spoiled mustard could be happier!
  • With that sandwich done and the mustard did, we set off to have that pic to the nic. We saw a patch of grass on the large boulevard, so we spread the blanket down and started
  • singing, "peeanut, peanut butter!" and then the Sniggleson's shouted, "And Jelly!" This PicNic was off to a great start. That is until the bologna sandwiches got soggy because
  • someone left them out in the rain, along with a cake covered in sweet green icing. Mr. Sniggleson put aside his sloppy sandwich and wished out loud for an Oscar Meyer wiener.
  • To Mr. Sniggelson's delight, a bun-wrapped wiener materialized out of thin air. Wishes DID come true! He wolfed it down, & went in search of his dachsund. "Dad, Fido just vanished!
  • " The weiner weighed uneasily on him. His stomach gurgled. Mr. Sniggleson slurped some soda through a straw and said to his son, "I'm sure Fido's around here somewhere. Let's
  • Ask Gus, the owner of Weiner and Still Champion, who has a dog. Fido was not allowed in front, so they needed to find Fido. It was awkward, indeed. They had to take the hot dog out
  • And you're waving your flag at me?! Get him out of this building, throw him out with the trash then spit on his children and pester their mother. That was the story but would it st
  • -and up in court? Perry Mason shook his head gravely. No. No, it would not. So he climbed out of the trash and hosed down the kids and took their mom to dinner. No big whoop.


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