In the beginning, there were 1,800 potential

  • In the beginning, there were 1,800 potential characters. Then just like that, there were 1,620.
  • "Clear!" yelled Dr. Foldenstein. The defibrillator rushed electrical energy to Fold 1, but to no avail. "Those 180 characters are dead and gone, as are these," he said. 1,440 left.
  • Dr. Foldenstein had a dream. A patchwork of folds stitched together & reanimated. A monstrous story to become more famous than he was. He hooked the defibrillator to the lightning
  • rod on his computer & the folded story morphed into an exquisite corpse.Angry the 49er's game wasn't on,the folded monster roared 6606 epithets until Dr. Foldenstein taped its mout
  • h shut with gaffer tape. "This is the last time you will come between the folds!" Dr Foldenstein told the folded monster. With the spare tape Dr Foldenstein created
  • a monster fold from bits of other folds. Dr. Foldenstein's beast had Det. Manatee's torso and Squawker's waste. He'd attached Spam Baby's head with lug nuts.
  • Or was it wingnuts? Madam Wong would know. Anyway, Dr. Folderstein's MonsterFold time-traveled into the future, past rainbows, unicorns, & kitty litter, arriving at precisely 9:42
  • :37.66541987 UTC. "Damned atomic watch," he complained. Some kitty litter had collected in his fedora, and he gruffly shook the hat to free it of the pebbles. "It's time for a
  • thought" he thought, but he was alone in a desolate place and could think no further. Having memorized his surroundings, he chose to blindfold himself and search for farts.
  • He found none.


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