El Gran Bigote sat perched atop the gargoyle

  • El Gran Bigote sat perched atop the gargoyle on the side of the building, busy scanning the streets below for those up to no good, his luxurious, black mustache billowing behind
  • . El Gran Bigote made quite a sight indeed to pedestrians down below who were afraid that at any given moment, he would swoop down and carry them off to Bogota. El Gran's mustache
  • swept over each shoulder and to his waist like 2 drugged beavers. According to ancient Moorish law, no citizen other than El Gran Bigote was allowed to grow a moustache in Cordoba
  • larger than a toothpick. In response the citizens of Cordoba created larger and larger toothpicks. El Gran Bigote became suspicious one day when he asked for a toothpick and
  • killed it, for the day. Then, the Sylvester team resigned her to be deaded. She heard the pain in the head of her mother for being deaded, "You must forbay me, for today. Cross you
  • and all that jazz." She said. The Sylvester team was led by Chris Matthews and contained a mysterious dude from Utah. So she decided to raise the dead by
  • mixing the Congolese minerals with what was left of the vodka. "No, it's OK.", she continued, "just pour a couple of drops in their mouths and report to Matthews if something would
  • change in their situation." Matthews. He wished he could tell her Matthews didn't know shit. He sighed and started pouring drops of the mixture into the patients mouths before
  • regurgitating worms into the mouth. He explained that the worms were there to help him swallow the drops better. The patient looked at him with trustful eyes. O crape its Matthews!
  • The greedy blackbird, as the patient was nicknamed, grabbed all the worms that fit into his beak and flew off into parts unknown. Moral: The earlybird gets the worms every time!


  1. mojozu May 04 2016 @ 06:32

    "O crape its Matthews!" had me laughing out loud.

  2. Flopp May 04 2016 @ 13:27

    Hahha crap

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