Now entering orbit. Step down phase six completed.Commence

  • Now entering orbit. Step down phase six completed.Commence countdown phase 5. Admiral. Emergency emergency. Runaway reactor. It's gone critical. All personnel to emergency stations
  • Henry ignored the warning, just as he had before. "Pff, another damn drill," he muttered to himself, and poured yet another drink into his hover-glass. "Space," he said, "The final
  • frontier for administrative oversight, overthinking, and hindrance of progress. Henry swirled the brandy in his hover-glass as he said, "Damn the Risk-Ninnies, full speed ahead!"
  • Henry glared out the viewing window as they flew through a sea of stars. He was going to ruin any positive relations we've made with this planet if it's the last thing he does.
  • Henry waited until no one was watching and then ran up the stairs looking for the death laser to kill the planet with.
  • It was pretty easy for Henry to find the death laser as it was about as big as the room. However, a code had to be entered on a keypad to activate it.
  • Henry remembered that scene from Spaceballs and typed "12345" into the keypad. The screen flashed green. "AUTHORIZED." To Henry's immense satisfaction, the death laser fired,
  • and although it failed to destroy the universe, it did re-heat the stale fries that Henry had left on his car floor, and that was enough for him. For now. The rest was up to
  • Prunella Macomber-Whitney. Who had just been passed by a man clearly on his way home from a dental appointment. Prunella picked up her pace and the universe was kept going again.
  • His brand new teeth danced out of his mouth to greet her. She weaved them into a beautiful bone necklace, and danced merrily on the hills. That night, the human fairy took her away


  1. Woab Jul 29 2019 @ 14:26

    and left a bright, shiny penny on the man's pillow, but he never found it, as it was his last night on Earth.

  2. BlastedHeath Jul 31 2019 @ 01:44

    Dear Lord Vacuity, your post has helped in a way I can't quite explain.

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