"Por favor,bom dia...",Carl was having trouble

  • "Por favor,bom dia...",Carl was having trouble with his Portuguese.He needed to find the house and talk to Maria asap,but nobody knew that street.not even the cab driver.Time was r
  • -eally acting crazy. In fact time kept on slipping...into the...Carl stopped himself. Then he gave in and thought, "Time keeps on slipping into the future."
  • And tripping in the present, it seemed. Carl stumbled upon a flame of the past on his cosmic voyage, which was a slippery slope for someone as alcoholically inclined as Carl. Ice
  • Breakers carrying Carl's insulin were trapped in the thick sea ice off the coast of Macquarie Island (near Antartica). Carl had been stationed at Camp McMurdo examining ice cores
  • for pre-glacial plant life forms. He'd get so lost in concentration with analytical procedures it was common for him to lose track of time. His sugar levels were thus neglected. S
  • inking into a diabetic coma, he collapsed, covered in ancient seeds. His decomposing body was the ideal medium for the germination of Jurassic plants. His head sprouted huge ferns
  • and his arms were the trunks of trees of years past. Part of him feared a dinosaur would consider him food and take a bite of his fern-covered head. This whole Jurassic idea was
  • Conceived in the inkwells at The School For Future Geniuses. Squirrels chewed on those ideas and destroyed the gutters of the school until they were stopped by golf balls and Lysol
  • cocktails served in teeny, squirrel-sized martini glasses. After being stoned by golf-balls and poisoned drinks, the squirrels did not die, but swore revenge on every bird-feeder
  • in this astral plane, forever gloriously unfurling upon us and therefore, my friends, within us all. Without any mercy, forever launching forward into that deep abyss: the unknown


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