Cables whistled between the wings as the

  • Cables whistled between the wings as the bi-plane dipped beneath the cloud cover. How he was going to fight an alien armada was beyond him, but the neutrino Gatling he'd stolen was
  • just big enough to fit on the roof of his dog house. Snoopy, the flying ace, was prepared to grease some aliens. The one thing he couldn't get over was how Charlie Brown had folded
  • like a cheap cardtable at the first sight of the aliens. What a coward. And so, the human revolution would come down to Snoopy and his General, Woodstock, to fight the invasion.
  • Oh, sure, Peppermint Patty and her lesbian friend could be counted on for the hand to hand combat, but for military strategy -- Lao Tzu The Art of War type stuff -- nothing beats
  • the mosh pit of the Lilith Fair - except, maybe, the one at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. The military prowess there is almost as thick as the armpit hair. It makes
  • sense, then, when the focus of our exposition changed to something less offensive. Mosh pits, after all, are not known for their hygiene (or politeness).
  • "I dropped my contact!" she yelled. Since this was Minnesota, everyone stopped slamming and helped her search. The lights went on and Death Kraut for Cutty had to stop the set. She
  • was on her hands and knees in the moshpit and, being Minnesota dontchaknow, she found Lutefisk, a few Viking ticket stubs and some smashed Spam on the floor, but no contact.
  • It was a bitch, because after a smoker made her cough during the national anthem she was coughing and congested the rest of the day. That contact could really have helped out.
  • "I contact you,you contact me.Across the room our glances meet. Wond'ring in the night what were the chances."She smirked at her ringtone,felt the congestion lifting & made contact


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