Finally I had the Harvard degree, the tailored

  • Finally I had the Harvard degree, the tailored suits, the consulting job, country club pass, the Lexus, & thought I'd arrived in Yuppieland, but then Tom took me on the Metrosexual
  • Express and I had such fun that I lost track of time. Before I knew it, we were smackdab in the middle of Questionable Gender IdentityVille and Tom was rubbing my shoulders.
  • An my nipples hardened. He said there would be no judgments, but what about self-judgment? I wanted to gender-bend so badly, I was outrageously Bi-curious and Tom seemed to
  • gender unbend everyone he encountered. It must have been the fact that he used every Axe product each morning and applied the entire historical line in a single procedure requiring
  • The utmost diligence and note taking, which he excelled at. The notebook with the green cover was full.
  • He needed more notebooks now - new ones to fill with future lists. He loved making lists. Each week, he made lists of all the lists he would make each day. The lists contained
  • bullet points, color coding, multiple levels of indentation, you name it. He hung his lists all over the walls and ceiling, a happy reminder that every minute detail of his life
  • had now become tremendously important. It wasn't until he was in the grocery store and spied David Attenborough peering at him through a camera from the guavas that he realized
  • that his fame had grown out of control. Living on his back like a tumor it bubbled and protruded from his skin. Everyone knew who he was they all wanted to talk with him or take hi
  • m to school for Show-and-Tell. If chosen, Johnny offered him his lunch money for 5 years, but, after all was said and done, he went to work for Disney as the character Quasimodo.


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