This is a test. That was all that was said.

  • This is a test. That was all that was said. Looking across the keys at the site in front of him, he tapped at the keys delivering the words to the digital canvas before him. Yay
  • was typed. The administrator breathed down his neck. "Think of something more creative!" he hissed. So the boy started to type. "The rain beat down on the helpless citizens as the
  • band began tuning their instruments and the nuns flew in for the ceremony. "What perfect landings, sisters!" The administrator said. The boy took this opportunity to bolt free from
  • the leathery claws of the Mother Superior. "After him!" she shouted. This was not a drill. Now, the nuns had to fly for real. They instinctively chose a V formation.
  • Their nuns' habits billowed behind them as the nuns took to the air in a whirlwind of black. "Fly, my pretties, fly!" the Mother Superior cackled. The nuns sped after their target,
  • but stopped into a Target to get several greeting cards, 3 folding chairs, some ginger snaps and a comically oversized box of feminine napkins. Once the bags were divided up,
  • The guys took turns taking turns until they hit the point of no return, at which point, there was no returning. So it seems fate ruled for them that extra moment but Target kicked
  • them out. Rent-a-Goon goons walked them to their cars and then two Security Golf Carts followed them to the parking lot exit where the local police were already waiting for them.
  • "Out of the car, long-hairs!" the police shouted as they pulled them from the cars and tossed them over the cliff. By this time they were so high that they literally could not fall
  • into the sea below. Some truth to that. As it happened, they fell down head first, as if diving. At the surface of the water, their skulls crumpled at first contact with reality.


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