This year our teacher fell out of his desk

  • This year our teacher fell out of his desk
  • and he cried himself to sleep to wake up in an ambulance heading straight for the border
  • of the United States. He awoke to realize that he was caught. They had found him. Apparently the lady he picked up on a street corner last night stole his money this morning and
  • left him all alone, with no note behind to inform him of her leaving. He couldn't believe he had fallen for such a trick; he decided he must now take a trip to the bank so he could
  • rob it, and get some money for his alchol addiction
  • hotline. He'd been running the hotline as a way to meet drunk chicks. His "game" seemed to play better in that field. His mojo really took off when he got a call from a drunken
  • waitress from Fresno. She just kept sobbing on the line, but he felt there was a real connection there; he felt like he knew her, on a deeper level than her blubbering words
  • He said some cooing, soothing words over the line as he traced her call. He knew it was an improper use of emergency equipment, but he felt he needed to send her some
  • to say his feelings. Finding her address, he sent a Cupidgram to knock on her door. "Hummmm... I want to tell you trueeee... I am sorry for stalking youuuu..." He watched from
  • the comfort of his La-Z Boy recliner as he'd blanketed her house with HD remote-controlled cameras with telescopic zoom lenses. She headed for the shower. He grabbed some popcorn.


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