She was the type of girl you want to forget,

  • She was the type of girl you want to forget, the type of girl that leaves broken hearts laying in her wake, too pretty and doomed to be anything less than loved madly. He sulked as
  • he etched her name in his school desk. What started as a doodle, became the Sistine chapel of unrequited love. Her name branched into flowers and angels and op-art cubes. 'Trish'
  • was a goddess, even in the second grade...ahh, Trish. He decided to have his desk art tattooed across his chest and, with a permission slip signed by his Mommy, he headed downtown
  • but on his way to the Tattoo parlor he met a man with 16 watches on his arm. He showed him one watch and said, "This watch here can tell you the future."
  • The fifteenth watch can tell the time in Hong Kong. The fourteenth watch is 5 minutes fast so I'm never ever late again. The thirteenth is gold encrusted with rubies which Mike Tys
  • on cut with his own teeth. My watch collection is extensive and absolutely priceless. The 12th watch is a small sundial made of marble. The 11th one is disguised as handcuffs.
  • It was worn by the great Houdini himself. The 10th watch is John Harrison's No.1 Seawatch which solved the problem of Longitude. Number 9 in my collection of tickers is on my wrist
  • , shaped as a wave: a sine wave, to be precise. The hand is curved into a crescent moon shape and as it ticks it produces a low frequency hum. My eleventh watch though was even
  • tually lost in the Bermuda Triangle. My boss was such a square, he forbade the traditional pre-flight circle jerk and we spiraled down the abyss. An oval beam of light saved us.
  • Our plane crash landed on a stretch of sand. Fortunately nobody was injured badly. But when we exited, we noticed something very wrong. We had entered a different universe.


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