Three megs of code DAMN. What ever happened

  • Three megs of code DAMN. What ever happened to the time when we took pride in writing a program in just one line of code that didn't crash and had all the commands needed to do the
  • unthinkable, or at least undesirable. Such as: </proc:></drop dead>, or </proc:></get me a beer>. I'd been working on that last bit of code for over an hour and was damn thirsty. 4
  • o'clock and I needed a drink. Then, I remembered. It should be </sudo proc></get me a beer>. As I pressed ENTER, the amber liquid began to flow. Oh, blessed relief. Now I could
  • not taste the amber liquid because my tongue was analog. If only I could load my consciousness on this Dell I could
  • once again know the flavor of the delicious beverage - but alas, such a thing was beyond me now. I relapsed, trapped in a world of hallucinogens and backwards compatibility: hell.
  • No measure of anabolic salvation could pull me from this nightmare, or so I thought. I reached into my left pocket, noticing something was now in there. It was the Dagger of Great
  • Scott, the most expressive dagger ever made. Forged in the art lava of Bauhaus, it glowed with a critical sheen. "It will have to do." I thought, glumly. I charged
  • ahead, blade in hand, towards the swarm of enemy masses. One, two! One, two! Each one toppled into the fires below, until
  • only the wizard remained. With only a few minutes to spare, he struck with all his might, slicing the wizard in half. He knew there was something wrong, as from the wizard's body
  • issued forth a delicious caramelly goo. This was not truly the wizard, but a chocolate caramel simulacrum. Though evil reigned that day, at least everyone got a chocolaty treat.


  1. DirkMcFrbrd Apr 21 2011 @ 18:56

    A bittersweet end to an otherwise lonely tragedy.

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