The Flash had always been a pre-ejaculator.

  • The Flash had always been a pre-ejaculator. He could never figure out a solution, once he tried to masturbate before having sex but he pre-ejaculated with himself, which is why
  • that quaint lyric from AC/DC's "Shook Me All Night Long," "She told me to come, but I was already there," always brought The Flash and his pre-ejaculatory problems to my mind.
  • After retirement, Dr. Ruth specialized in helping superheroes with their sexual dysfunctions. She called them "Achilles' penis".
  • One day Robin made a visit, claiming that Batman suffered from penis envy, and that he had threatened to chop his off, if Robin didn't stop parading his manhood about. Dr.Ruth came
  • for the 10th time before saying "MM-MM, girlfriend, oh no you di-unt! Man, you gotsta tell him straight, yous is ain't gons a take dat sheeuht." Dr. Ruth was a bit hard to under-
  • stand when she forgot to put in her dentures. That had been happening a lot lately, so NBC considered ending her contract because of 'lack of representativeness'. Dr. Ruth had no
  • problem decking the whole lot of them. Years of talking about sex had given Dr Ruth impressive powers of endurance. She put her teeth in, shook her grey locks back and felt the
  • geriatric orgasm wash over her. "Ahhhhh...yes indeedy," Dr. Ruth thought to herself with smile & a contented sigh. "I still got it!" And just like that, she was gone. As in DIED.
  • Dr. Ruth was unaware that when you died in the throes of orgasm, Chris Angel escorted you to Purgatory . Irritated by her accent & sexual candor he vanished at the first rest stop
  • light, disappearing with a puff of red smoke, The doctor overwhelmed by the toxicity of the fumes coughed splutteringly. She had no idea where she was, or how she'd got there.


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