'Don't worry about the problem' he said.

  • 'Don't worry about the problem' he said. 'Just think of it as an egg with gold hidden deep inside it.' To try and solve the problem you must try to find twenty ways of dealing with
  • Uncle Larry. He's got a thing for kids. He told me about the golden eggs so that I'd get stuck under the blankets and then he could dutch oven me. Well enough is enough so
  • I dropped the kids off at the pool and then told Larry there was something wrong with the seal on the potty. When he bent over the bowl to inspect it I gave him a chunky swirly
  • which sent him into a wild rage. He whirled around and pinned me to the floor with his massive girth, while a chunk of my poop slid down his face and onto mine.
  • Somehow, my blindness sent me into a blind rage and I was able to lift the gorilla off of me. This made me the alpha male. Things calmed down and we went out for Starbucks
  • & ordered Mocha Coconut Frappuccinos or is that Frappuccini? I'm never sure how to pluralize italo-english amalgams. Anyway the gorillas had an allergy to mocha & went apeshit
  • & threw around the script which confirmed the plural is indeed frappuccinos. "Dammit, where're the gorilla handlers?" Nobody seemed to know. The big one had a necktie, the littler
  • one didn't seem to care. Nobody did. It was like the whole question sounded like the muted cries of a helpless monkey drowning in a ferocious sea of apathy. His addled mind
  • imagined the sound: "Eeeehhh Eeehhh...blub, blub...Eeeh..blub..." He slapped his hands over his ears. It felt pretty good, so he did it again. His sister Evelyn arrived just in ti
  • ny shorts and a bikini top. So he sent her home to change into something more appropriate. He actually didn't like Evelyn stealing his thunder this was his gratuitous topless scene


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