Borking Bade is a telecommunications show

  • Borking Bade is a telecommunications show about two high school English teachers who team up to cook coke. They get Judge Isnt Goodatallman to back them up in court when they get
  • what's coming to them. As a show, Borking Bade got stuck in "turn-around" for about five years. Robin Williams had signed to do the show, but Hook started filming and well
  • , he wasn't very good. The camera was normally operated with two hands but with a silver hook on his right, he had to improvise. The scene started rolling and Robin Williams put on
  • his Mrs Doubtfire mask. "CUT! why is he wearing that old thing?!!" asked the director. "Shhh, it's sort of a safety blanket for him" said Robin Williams's agent. Meanwhile Hook had
  • worms. Hook worms, unbeknownst to everyone, until... Well, let's skip the details shall we? Robin Williams ran crying to his dressing room. "Now you've done it!" cried the director
  • IF he comes back out today he's going to tell mean jokes about you until you cry and your mother wishes you were never born. Why would you piss off Robin Williams, you fool?"
  • It didn't matter three years later because he was dead. The plasticide set in motion in 2013 continued unabated until now plastic bags are banned. My six toed brother imbibed some
  • Neue Vivre male enhancement supplements and sprouted a seventh toe named Sprocket. Sprocket was a fan of The Weather Channel and Wait Til Your Father Gets Home. Spocket missed Karl
  • (the face on my toe) when we got married and went on our honeymoon, but when we came back we decided to adopt Sprocket as the son we could never have for obvious reasons. Karl and
  • I referred to eachother as ball bearing & chain. We were double butted,well lubed & always pumped,but without Sprocket we missed the freewheeling life & just coasted to the finish.


  1. Woab Jul 13 2017 @ 10:38

    Thank you, Futique, for recalling Karl The Face On My Toe. Karl appeared in stories on another writing site some of us used to inhabit before it was destroyed by spammers. (Early exquisite corpse sites did not have very good security. Thank good ness this one does.) Karl was a face someone had drawn on their toe, fell in love with, and married. Interesting relationship problems ensued.

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