Alliteration is aligning allies whose alloy

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  • besides benign betterment before blowing buku bucks on beta-version battalions of bogus-brand bargain-basement battlebots to bully
  • buskers busking by Boston. Because bullying bought bullies bad bets, bullies bashed bad boys, betting beyond beatings being bad. But beatings beat being bad, beatings bely bettings
  • and could a cute cat casually caramelize centuries of cannibalistic cabbages, causing a considerable crash to crack the creepy cages of
  • Concrete and cement. Casually the cigars and cigarets circulated clouds of carcinogenic cloudiness as the cats circumnavigated the cabbage crock
  • pots, chronically crapping crunchy crenulated Calvin Coolidge coprolites. Droppings distinctly defined, doodoo doubles, eponymous Ebenbild of the erstwhile elected
  • First Frenchman. "Freedom!" the First Frenchman fumed, getting good and grumpy. Gertrude held his hand heavenward and hailed him a hero. "He is incredible! Indispensable!" If it is
  • just juvenile justice, may kindergarteners kick kneecaps as the kettledrums' loud lament linger on the latitudes of lawlessness!" Mr. Mercer mewled. "Never!" nattered Nathan Noome.
  • a Nantucket native. "Oi, guv, you're being offensive and oafish." The others outside on the porch are pleading for Paul's Pass to pass by to them, please. "Quickly call the Quack!"
  • Dr. Quakenbush was in the office. He made house calls. This one was to be the last one ever because his folding story career was just beginning.


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