Toby the mud wrestler always overate on Saturdays

  • Toby the mud wrestler always overate on Saturdays because
  • he had an eating disorder. Toby would regularly attend group therapy sessions and with cognitive behavioural therapy he was making progress. Toby's mud wrestling improved as his
  • bovine friends applauded how he'd overcome his bulimia.Toby's life was an inspiration to other anorexic cattle and he started raising money for research by mud wrestling other farm
  • celebrities: Farmer Zano; Superhorse; Elmo, the Tractor That Could. The State Fair Committee was agog over the event. "Everybody loves a good mud wrestle." The Lieu. Governor,
  • Kranovopich, who was promoting the State Fair as a unique opportunity to promote the state of Flopland. There was plenty of unrecognised talent!
  • Flopland was the place flops went who had no success in the real world.Mr.Kranovopich did his best to convince people at the vendors at the fair with unpopular rides to go to Flopl
  • and for the price of a story. It would have to have naughty cherubs who smoked cigars and sounded like New York gangsters. The vendors all stayed at the fair. The cherubs were mad.
  • “Hell, I don’t even LIKE cigars!” said a cherub. “But the story requires we smoke them,” said another. “Screw it, I want OUT of this story!” yelled the first cherub. And with that
  • he burned a hole in the edge of the story with his cigar and he and the other cherubs rushed out of it before it went up in flames. "Now what do we do?" asked the littlest cherub.
  • "We try to blend in with humanity," said the largest. They got jobs at McDonalds. After a month of homelessness they moved into a studio apartment. "Life sucks," said the littlest.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 10 2018 @ 18:00

    let's keep this going... http://foldingstory.com/v4hex/

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