Ten large cardboard boxes were dropped off

  • Ten large cardboard boxes were dropped off at his house with small manila envelope which read, "Open This First."
  • Never being one to follow instructions, Stan opened the biggest box 1st and was sucked into the black hole it contained. So 9 boxes & the instructions were left. Months later
  • Stan was joined by Jane, who'd come upon the remaining 9 boxes. Curiousity got the best of her & she too opened 1 box, only to find herself here with Stan, inside the black hole. 8
  • boxes labeled "Orion Oreos"were found by Li who read ingredients first. "Dark matter? Super sticky strings?" Curiosity peaked he opened a box, next stop Blackhole. 7 boxes remained
  • of Oreo test products. "Hmm, Playdoh Oreos," he mused. (Library Paste Oreos would have been better,) he thought. And then he spotted the Sriracha Crabcake Oreos and fell into a sw
  • oon. Having tested different combinations, he found little difference in texture & taste between the rice-cake & the Styrofoam flavored Oreos. Maybe Sriracha sauce was the answer.
  • But then California, in its infinite wisdom, decided to ban the condiment. "Dammit, now I'll never know," he cursed. His Sriracha bottle was empty. There was no more to be found.
  • His hotdog was just sitting barren and alone on his plate. No Sriracha sauce to comfort it. "CALIFORNIA MUST PAY!!' he shouted. Then he
  • ate half the hotdog in one bite, considering how he could make California suffer. Glancing down at the half-eaten dog, it came to him. If he could gather enough
  • vengeful cats, the dog would be consumed for him, save the bones which he needed for his conversation piece. Well, he calculated the time per cat, but never got around to the deed.


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