I am awesome

  • I am awesome
  • That's what he kept saying to everyone he met.
  • Nobody seemed to care. He'd been talking shit for the past two days so when anyone saw him, they completely discounted anything he had to say. The world was over him, and he wept.
  • It reminded him of what his father used to always say: "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone." Why did his father always have to be right?
  • I guess one really does gain wisdom with age. Perhaps I will say truths as I grow older. I could say now that dogs really are mans best friend.
  • Or I could say every dog has his day. Or I could say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or I could say it's a dog's life. Or I could say, I was in a canine cliche warp and
  • stuck in a spiralling orbit around Canis Major, which was ironic, because Sirius had always been my favourite HP character. I cackled madly in his imitation as the warning lights
  • crisscrossed the sky. Hermione tried to warn people about the danger, but by that point people were tired of her haughty smugness, so they continued drinking their butter beers.
  • Determined, Hermione jumped onto the table, drew out her wand, and exclaimed to the entire assembly in Hogsmeade, "STUPIFY!" Unfortunately, Hermione forgot that
  • the Harry Potter series had ended and that it was all just make believe!


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