My husband had a medical emergency that required

  • My husband had a medical emergency that required hospitalization and 3 days in intensive care (and he was quite ill three days before that).
  • Which meant that my plans to have the scumbag killed failed because all that time in the hospital meant that the hitmen missed him in his connecting flight to Dallas and now
  • I had to find this elusive jerk of a hit man and reschedule the hit. Who knew a minor reschedule of an airline flight could throw so many things out of kilter. Now, whom to kill
  • time with while waiting in the queues at the public loo? Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Walter Scott were hogging up the glory holes, and frankly I didn't think the hitman so reliable
  • a potato peeler, frankly. Walter frankly confided this to Walter as they ate salt water taffy on water crackers. Frank's frankly miffed he wasn't invited to the Sir Walter bitch fe
  • st they were having out on Pierce' s pier until he noticed Bob bobbing out on the waves. Frank & the Walters' Adam's apples bobbed simultaneously as they adamantly threw out a buoy
  • to Bob. A walking shark tip-finned over. Nipped his small toe & spat it out. 'Tastes like tuna.' He wept.salty tears. Meanwhile Larry lassoed Bob's larynx while Frank & Walt watche
  • d on. Frank and Walt clutched each other in fear-Larry had never done a thing like this before. They were trembling as Bob's larynx was ripped out of his throat in a plume of red.
  • Frank felt Walt grow warm. Really warm. The heat became unbearable and Frank had to let go of Walt and watch him burst into flames and burn to a crisp. It all happened so fast,
  • I mean, what is wrong with that damned toaster anyway? Frank didn't even like toast that much, and he hated that Velma always called the toaster Walt. Stupid toaster.


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