We left Jerry being threatened by Zombie

  • We left Jerry being threatened by Zombie Newman and his Zombie friends,CrazyJoeDevola and TheSoupNazi.Seinfeld had a knife and now he's running away screaming on a cartoonish way.
  • But, John Carpenter put his hand up to stop the pitch. "Listen, guys, I'm not into this SitCom Horror crap okay?" John had a dual massage lined up with Woodie Allen over at t
  • wosome dudesome massage parlor. Carpenter and Allen relaxed and moaned in tandem. Woody filed witticisms in his memory palace, but startled and screamed when Bob from Twin Peaks
  • accidentally jabbed him with his elbow. "Really!?" Woody cried. "You got one arm, you can't keep from jabbin' me with it!?" Bob frowned and said nothing, then hooted and fled.
  • Woody cradled his freshly-jabbed elbow and made a mental note of Bob's face. "You will hear from my lawyer! NO ONE sexually harasses Woody and gets away with it! Err...wait..."
  • "Come on Woody," Buzz said gently. "He's not worth your time or energy. Let's get back home to Andy." So the two friends skipped home without looking both ways before crossing the
  • line in the sand. Within seconds the Sarlacc reaches up from the sandpit and takes hold of Buzz's foot! Sadly, Mr PotatoHead didnt pack his light saber, bc the batteries were runny
  • funnynunnyhunny. Toys can use words like that and get away with it. Mr. PotatoHead pulled off his arm and dangled it down so that Buzz pull himself our of Sarlacc's grip. Frrrrt
  • the slinky dog farted. Buzz scrambled across the floor to a wind up plane and Mr PotatoHead followed. Buzz sat in the cockpit and fired up the engine (spring). Woody opened the win
  • dow, leaping out and twitching on the sidewalk, motioning aggressively about amateur dental work with an ice skate. Buzz grunted ala Tim Allen, ostensibly at Wilson...his neighbor.


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