If there was anything that could be learned

  • If there was anything that could be learned from last night's transgressions, it's this: Never do an acid enema with your friends. Seventeen hours earlier, I was eating a
  • cockroach with 3 heads and 7 legs and reflecting on last night's occurrences, when the lights cut out. As a munched my way through the final head, I decided to pursue my dream of
  • becoming a professional ballerina. Sure my parents never supported me, and most people called me crazy, but it was something about those pink slippers and tutu that drew me in.
  • Besides, I don't believe a girl like me can really express herself in any other way. My parents want me to go into "the arts", as if being a ballerina isn't an art! I just hope
  • that someday they will see it my way! I will be the best ballerina ever, and the whole world will know my name. They will shall shout it out like some sort of
  • mantra! My dance will be worshipped by tribes in the Amazon! Deep philosphers at Oxford will debate my toe points! American Idol contestant's will nash their teeth. My dentist will
  • frame my x-rays and display them proudly in his reception, telling his patients that "these are the bicuspids of a hero!" But now is not the time to revel in my success. First I
  • have to get Dr. Wilson and his dental hygienists to safety. "Grab the rope and start climbing down!" I bark. "This place is going up in about 10 minutes!"
  • As I raced down the rope I realized that it was a giant line of floss instead of sturdy rope. It was to weak and as we fell I screamed "Dr.Wilson! I thought this was rope!"
  • Dr.Wilson laughed. "You are an Troll!" screamed. I was a troll. I hate people. Then i trolled Dr.Wilson. "Problem, Dr.Wilson?" i sayed. He acted likely if he was in pain.I leave.


  1. DirkMcFrbrd Apr 23 2011 @ 18:16

    And that's why you never do an acid enema with your friends, kids.

  2. Bad. Apr 23 2011 @ 18:49

    Peer Pressure is a terrible force.

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