Falling...this was a sensation I had become

  • Falling...this was a sensation I had become accustomed to. In the past few months,
  • I've been falling in love, falling on concrete, falling down stairs and falling into debt. It was a strange mixture of experiences.
  • Over time, I figured out that I fell more often in the Fall. Each of these seasonal fallings would be followed six months later with a strange tendency to bounce all over the
  • boudoir with a spring in my step and a storm in my heaving bosom. Later, after composing myself, I would descend the stairs in something slinky to meet the m
  • ysterious master of the mansion. And he would not be able to keep his eyes...or hands off of me. I would protest, but then acquiese. Yes, yes, I had it all planned out. This fantas
  • -y evaporated as the decrepit master skulked in holding a candelabrum. "Follow me to the catacombs, Miss…?" "er, Candy." We descended a dripping stone stairway deep into the earth.
  • We continued down the stairway, deeper and deeper, until, the stairway ended in a large chamber with many tunnels branching out from it. I looked to the decrepit master and asked
  • him if the room was his sex chamber. The master could barely muster a smile. "Why don't you ask your mother?" I spontaneously combusted, unable to withstand being so badly roasted
  • . As I burnt away to a crisp, the Master pulled out his hands and started warming them on the fire... on my body. Just like an Italian Mafia leader, the Master had small beady eyes
  • And listened to the Bowie song, "putting out the fire with gasoline" while singing along. It made me want to puke, he was so off key. Then he DID put the fire out with gasoline...


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