The yellow cat(not Garfield)was staring at

  • The yellow cat(not Garfield)was staring at Jane so full of himself...She hated that cat!Steve was such an idiot!Why did he have to give her that stupid cat?And then convince her to
  • enter it into all sorts of Cat Fancy sponsored fashion shows? She was the mockery of her book club, who would consider it a hobby to dress up a cat like a
  • n astronaut or a bride. But secretly, the book club was just jealous that their living room wasn't littered floor to ceiling with Best of Show trophies. Fluffy licked herself when
  • ever she wanted and I always looked on with envy. She'd just start going to town on herself in the middle of book club, sleadily licking her special doggie parts and then
  • arrive at her destination. As the rain fell she looked at the old house - not sure why she was drawn here, only knowing that she must be here at this moment. She looked at the dark
  • misshapen form lying on the floor. It pulsated weakly but didn't seem to have the strength to run or to even move.
  • So I started life coaching it. I said, "Come on, you can do it. Only quitters quit" and "Anything worth doing requires effort!" And it started pulsing even more, and it
  • began to grow and grow and grow, changing color slowly but surely from a lush plum purple to a jelly bean green. It kept rowing until it was the size of yoga ball before
  • it reached the end of the river, at which point it suddenly stopped rowing and growing at the same time. It then started knowing and throwing and going and towing and showing and
  • flowing and growing and sowing and... well you get he idea. The point is there where a lot of words that end in owing, and that's exactly what the event organizers ended up with us


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