"This licence is not valid for an oversized

  • "This licence is not valid for an oversized vehicle on Mars. Please step out of the rover Mr. Jeng." The alien pointed a glowing rod at him. Yen woke up in a cold sweat.
  • Yen Jeng had gotten unbelievably trashed at Valles Marineris last night. Now this Venitian was up his ass about his jacked-up rover. Yen was in no mood. The iron oxide stains from
  • his rusty belt buckle had ruined his frilly silk shirt. Without it Yen would have nothing to wear to the Masquarade. Xui Shi would have rather gone to the Berlin Love Parade
  • which was a slang term for a pubic lice shampooing. Xui Shi had a "Hong Kong Picnic" on a Destroyer and you know how that goes. But Yen and Xui Shi were late to the Masquerade
  • . The dance was in full swing. Yen and Xui Shi donned their Domino masks and blended with the other guests. Would she be there? Was she the one in the jade dress?
  • Apparently, she wore that dress on the day this story was first folded. It had shrunk, though. Now she needed to wear jeans with it. Five years later, she donated it to goodwill.
  • Where her granddaughter found it and remembering how her Gram liked to where that type of dress got it for her from the money she made from the App she had created in 1st grade, la
  • la la... Now Gram never had to figure out where her grannie dresses could be found in this day and age. Old hippie women were still sewing them even now, and Gram could accesorize
  • easily with a leather choker or a striped thong. In this day and age, anything goes, even for ol' Gram.
  • I had to admire her hot fashion sense and so I purchased a copy. Sadly by the time I got my leather striped thong it was out of fashion and I had to wait for it to go retro.


  1. Woab Mar 10 2017 @ 15:39

    Why wait? Be a leader in a future retro fashion now!

  2. 49erFaithful Mar 10 2017 @ 16:25

    MoralEnd cracks me up again!

  3. LordVacuity Mar 26 2017 @ 18:11

    How does naughty lingerie EVER go out of fashion?

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