People always say that you should "write

  • People always say that you should "write hot, edit cold," but I've never been very good at taking advice. So when I delivered the letter to Mr. Slovanko
  • it took me days to get to his office because I wouldn't follow advice on how to get there. I flat refused to put the letter in envelop just because someone told me to. And when I
  • last did, I cut my tongue on the envelope, anyway. Sticky mint and blood. Not really a taste sensation; it was more of a texture violation. This explained my aversion to
  • the needle in the first place. Still haven't figured out how it got there. Or why the tax lawyers kept whistling like that. A distant memory kept almost coming to me. It was
  • a haystack. That's where the needle was. And that's what the tax guys were talking about. I could write off the haystack on my taxes. Thank goodness we invested in
  • that magnet company. We would use the latest super-charged magnets to find the needle. And when we find the needle the seamstress can resume work on the silver
  • blimp. Suddenly, her hand holding the needle and thread was grabbed and pulled violently upward. She looked up and said, "Fucking Magnets! How do they work?!" Sunglasses YEEAAHHHHH
  • Her glasses shot upward and clinked onto my supercon magnet coil device. I cackled evilly and we prepared for the heist of the century:
  • Bring the magnet over the bullion! Then I realized my mistake, gold is not magnetic. Pondering my situation, I received a crack across the jaw from her wooden stiletto.
  • Down below, I bullied and bopped her for the billions in bullions built like an o(bull)isk without blowing a bullet or bellowing the bullpen, no bull. But the splinters hurt.


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