I shivered and drew in sharp breath as the

  • I shivered and drew in sharp breath as the cold hit my face, and I ran to the pickup. The cold seeped deep into my bones. It's day like these that I want to hunker down at home.
  • But I had to go to school. That big, red evil building, full of people who didn't want to be there. Everyone wanted to be home with their dogs and their chickens. At least it
  • gave us time to be around our friends. That was the only good thing about it. When I was sitting in the middle of class I came up with a grand plan. I was going to escape School!!!
  • After we finished English, I quickly got my stuff from my locker and went to Science. I Asked to go to the bathroom, and that was when I did it. I grabbed my bag, and ran out.
  • I made a b line for the for the forest behind the school. I knew that there back behind the pines and brambles they would be waiting.
  • I had with me Dad's prized Katana, a gift from when I told him about these bullies. With a look of confidence, I strode into the forest, expecting an easy win. When I reached the
  • clearing the bullies were gone. Heartened, I screeched mightily & wantonly swung my katana all over, not sensing a small, green pointy eared dude nearby:"Strong with him the force
  • Is!" Dr. Sardonicus had one of his famous twelve dreams that night. He recorded it in great detail. Yoda suggested he write a book about it. And so Dr. Sardonicus created the
  • dream in which each foldingstory developed on its self-determined course with nary an imposition from a writer.In his dream, Yoda said "Fear, it is you must control." I sheathed my
  • nerve fibres for the battle ahead and tried to point out, as neutrally as possible, where the comma should have gone in that quote from Yoda. And then there was darkness.


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