Anderson Chive had found ways to endure the

  • Anderson Chive had found ways to endure the book-signings. But undercover reporter Melody Snark challenged him. "Mr. Chive, isn't it true that you have made a mockery of fiction?"
  • "Madam," ground out Anderson Chive through gritted teeth,"there is nothing funny about my writing." Melody Snark tweeted his answer erupting a twitterstorm in the twitterverse. And
  • this was a mistake. The twit Melody Snark's snarky tweet caused a twitterpocalypse. Twitbits of twitty dialog and instagram links littered the twitterscape. Melody fumbled for her
  • football during the big game. Melody was the only female quarterback in the league. She'd tried to not think about twitter during the big game and now she lost control of the footb
  • all. It slipped out of her well toned hands tumbling out into the crowed sidelines where the notorious DR. Hopscotch grabbed it. He was secretly in league with the
  • League of Secret Gentlemen. Dr. Hopscotch grabbed this thing before even I could tell what it was. He secreted it in his pocket and took it to the next meeting. The other gents
  • had secretly planned to kick Dr. Hopscotch out of the League of Secret Gentlemen, and secretly, I'd been glad. Now I needed to know-- what was the object he'd secretively
  • Coveted. In my family room last spring? Was it that stubborn mule that wouldn't budge when it blocked the doorway? Was it the box of Swedish ginger biscuits? I lost interest in
  • my mule train of thought while it made a piss stop on the dusty trails of my mind. Their tails where tied to the bridles and each mule had a feedback full of ginger biscuits.
  • My mistake was placing them too close to my immediate concern that I failed to notice the surprise ending that was promised by the Fourth Folder reveal I was General Custer.


  1. LordVacuity Nov 28 2016 @ 14:45

    I took a gamble that a surprise was promised by the 4th folder and surprise he didn't.

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