Tried and true. Ready and willing. Live

  • Tried and true. Ready and willing. Live and learn. The cliche-prone prostitutes
  • were hookers with heart. Georgia was a peach of a girl. Stevia sweeter than sugar. And Belle made more than one man's heart go ringa ding ding. Together, they were peas in a pod. I
  • was a patron, usually cycling through their artistries in sequence, sometimes pausing a little longer with one than another, but always moving. Their expensive love burned hot, so
  • they told the buyers at Adultcon. Their latest stab at the Adult Film business was "Luxury Porn." The idea was to have sex, duh, but to do it on top of piles and piles of money.
  • The Adultcon buyers were amazed. Why hadn't they thought of this before? "Luxury Porn on top of money! What about aerial sex via golden parachutes?" The meeting buzzed with
  • delight! A glow overcame the room as everybody's physiology responded. Soon there will be an icky mess, but in the meantime, it is time to sell our next double ended idea.
  • When the sunburst subsided, the oldest occupants of the room had melted into wrinkled masses of flesh. But the younger, Generation Y, crowd still retained their youthful
  • blush. As the old generation x was xterminated the new generation Y's tried to adjust eyes to their darkening surroundings. An obvious step was to take of their sunglasses and
  • see the last generation Z. These slightly lazy young ones seemed to be less interested in continuing the alphabet game of their parents, which was not so bad, since they
  • were the last letter of the alphabet anyways. The man stared at his blinking cursor. ``I never had friends like the ones I had when I was 12,`` he typed, ``God, does anyone?``


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